The Secret To Effective Pest Control For Apartments In Los Angeles


The Secret To Effective Pest Control For Apartments In Los Angeles

If you were offered a large three-bedroom, two bathroom home for free, would you take it? What if that home had lots of pest problems to the point where you can’t take a few steps without running into a bug? Some people would not take this offer, partly because they wouldn’t know where to start with the pest problems. You, however, are a successful apartment owner or manager that knows how to research pest control options to get this property back in tip-top shape.

If you are here today to research local pest control for your apartment complex, here is what you need to know about pest control in Los Angeles. For immediate pest control, reach out to our team at Excel Pest Management for more information about our services.

apartment building

How To Tell If There Are Pests Inside Your Multi-Unit Dwellings

There are lots of ways to identify pest problems here in Los Angeles. To start, you have to look around for things that skitter, fly, or squirm. Many local species have no problem moving around out in the open; these are the easiest to identify. Other types of pests, however, hide from humans. For these invaders, you need to look for signs they leave behind. Here are some common signs of pest problems to check for first:

  • Fecal droppings
  • Eggs
  • Dead pests
  • Stains on fabrics
  • A musty odor in the air
  • Blood stains on bed covers
  • Property damage
  • Moisture problems
  • Visible damage to structural wood

Call our team at Excel pest Management for a second opinion if you notice these concerning signs. We will help you identify what types of pests are infesting your building and offer quick solutions to get them out.

How Important Is Regular Pest Control In Apartment Buildings?

There are many good reasons to invest in professional pest control in Los Angeles. The most significant reason is that your tenants will vacate if they are uncomfortable. With a year-round partnership with a local pest control company, you gain access to total protection. Although we believe that we are your best option for services, it is good to do your research, and we have no problem with you checking out our competition. Remember that the best-priced pest control is not always the best for your needs. Many companies cut corners to keep costs to a minimum. 

Five Pest Control Tips For Los Angeles Residential Spaces

Professional pest control goes a long way to preventing local invasive species. It will make sure to equip your building to deter pests naturally. Here are five steps we recommend you take to protect your buildings:

  1. Seal gaps, cracks, and holes in the foundations of your buildings.
  2. Repair damage to windows and doors and install them properly.
  3. Replace damaged screens.
  4. Ensure to seal all exterior doors and windows with weather stripping and door sweeps.
  5. Address moisture issues like damaged gutters, leaky piping, and high humidity.

Combine these five tips with professional pest control near you for optimal protection. 

Residential Property Pest Control Services Made Simple

If you want to know what commercial pest control would look like for your property, our team at Excel Pest Management is ready to lend you a hand. Our team is committed to helping business owners in our community fight back against annoying, dangerous, and destructive pests. Defending your apartment complex has never been easier.

Contact us now to learn more about quality commercial pest control and how our team will provide permanent protection for your Los Angeles apartment complex.

Tags: commercial pest control | los angeles pest control | los angeles rodent control |

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